Rehabilitation Works
Old or inadequate sewers are of major environmental concern in most parts of the world. JKC has strong expertise in leading technical assistance projects related to water and wastewater infrastructure rehabilitation and design.
Valves and Pumps Replacement
Rehabilitation of existing sewage pipelines and establishing new ones, storm-water drains, rainwater storage tanks, open rainwater basins, and water distribution networks - all have an increasing focus around the world.
Bridge and Tunnels Crossing with Pipelines
Almost always, as land is developed for residential, commercial, and industrial purposes, the need arises to provide water and sewer services across a watercourse or a body of water.
Drywell and Submersible Pump Stations Replacement
One of the first decisions in pump station design is whether to take a traditional approach with pumps installed in a dry well or use a wet well with submersible pumps.